Concept: Suspend
The aim was to create a pavilion for the joggers and parker goers of East Coast Park. Providing a shelter from the sun and the rain. As well as creating a landmark to for people to meet up due to the lack of easily recongnise meeting spot.
Thus, the design of the landmark will have to be of a certain high to be able to be seen from a distance. The concept has led me to create a pavilion which will have the second level suspend above the sand.
A view from the beach.
Another shot of it. The landmark will stand at a height of about 4-5 metres
An interior shot
An shot of the landmark during sunset.
A walk-thru of the landmark
The landmark is constructed with 2 concrete beam for support. the beam will lean back 40 degree to support the second level. Another 2 support beam will keep the shap of the structure.
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